How to Fix Windows Photo Viewer Memory Issues (Windows 10/8/7)

Windows photo viewer is a great app for viewing photos, but it can sometimes run out of memory. If you’re experiencing this issue, here are some tips on how to fix it. First, try checking your photo viewer’s memory usage by opening the ” photo viewer memory” tab in the taskbar.

This information from Sohne will let you know how much memory photo viewer is using and how much is available. If you’re still experiencing issues, there are some steps you can take to lower photo viewer’s memory usage. For example, you can disable certain features or download photos locally instead of using the cloud.

Keep in mind that reducing photo viewer’s memory can also have negative side effects, so make sure to follow any instructions carefully. Finally, if you’re having trouble diagnosing and fixing photo viewer memory issues on windows 10/8/7, please let us know in the comments section below!

Windows 10/8/7 photo viewer not enough memory

If you’re having trouble viewing photos on your Windows 10/8/7 computer, it may be because the photo viewer isn’t using enough memory.

You may be able to fix the memory issue by upgrading to a newer version of Windows, or by using a photo viewer that uses less memory.

If you’re using the default photo viewer, you may want to consider using an app like Picasa or Google Photos. These photo viewer apps are less memory intensive, and will help you view photos without any issues.

Windows Photo Viewer Memory Issues: Overview

Windows Photo Viewer is a great tool for managing photos, but it can use a lot of memory and slow down your computer if it’s not enough. To prevent memory issues, always make sure that your computer has enough memory before trying out the windows photo viewer.

Additionally, if you find that windows photo viewer is using a lot of memory, try to reduce the photo viewer’s default file size.

How to check your photo viewer’s memory usage and how to lower it if needed

Windows photo viewer memory issues can be frustrating. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to check your photo viewer’s memory usage and lower it if needed. First, under “Details,” you’ll see a list of files in use by the photo viewer.

Next, to check how much memory is being used, open the photo viewer and click “File.” Under “General,” you’ll see a list of files and memory used for each file. Lastly, you can lower the amount of memory used by the photo viewer by deleting unnecessary photos or videos from your hard drive.

If you still experience photo viewer memory issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The team at Windows Central is here to help!

Some tips to increase Windows Photo Viewer memory in Windows 10/8/7

Windows photo viewer is a great tool for photo editing, but memory issues can sometimes arise. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to increase Windows photo viewer memory in Windows 10/8/7. First, you can uninstall photo editing software or unused apps. Second, you can try clearing the photo viewer memory by following these steps:

  1. On the start menu, click on the photo viewer app.
  2. Click on the photo viewer tab and select ‘Settings.’
  3. Under the ‘Storage’ tab, click on the ‘Clear photo viewer memory’ button.
  4. Click on OK to start the process. Finally, if all else fails, you can try resetting the photo viewer memory. To do this, follow these steps:
  5. On the start menu, click on the photo viewer app.
  6. Click on the photo viewer tab and select ‘Settings.’
  7. Under the ‘Storage’ tab, click

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some steps I can take to prevent Windows Photo Viewer memory issues in the future?

There is not a lot that can be done to prevent memory issues with Windows Photo Viewer, as it is a memory-intensive app. To minimize photo viewing memory usage, make sure to download photos only when you are ready to view them, minimize photo size while downloading, and close windows photo viewer when finished.

Is there a way to clear Windows Photo Viewer cache and improve performance?

There is not a specific way to “clear” the photo viewer cache, but some tips that may help improve performance include disabling unnecessary services, updating graphics drivers, and defragmenting storage. Additional information can be found on Microsoft’s Support website.


If you are experiencing problems with Windows Photo Viewer memory, then this blog is for you! By following the tips mentioned in this post, you can fix photo viewer memory issues and improve photo viewer performance overall. Make sure to check back for more helpful tips in the future!